All keepers of birds must now keep them indoors and follow extra biosecurity measures to stop the spread of avian influenza. This order is in place for all keepers of birds, regardless of the size of the birds of the flock.
The new regulations state that:
All birds must be protected by netting or indoor housing
Keepers of birds are encouraged to change their clothing and footwear before and after contact with their animals
Restrict the number of people who have contact with your birds
Do not allow your birds to have any contact with wild birds
Thoroughly clean and disinfect your housing on a more regular basis
Ensure food and water provided to your birds is not contactable by wild birds
Do not allow your birds to have access to watercourses or ponds
Use effective vermin control around housed areas
Keep complete records of mortality, movement of poultry and poultry products
If you have any queries regarding the housing order or any other rural matter please do not hesitate to contact Gemma on 07533340847 or gemma@blackdownconsulting.co.uk